NeutraTek’s Chris was joined by Oliver from Neutralox in Medellin, Colombia to do an inspection on four (4) photoionization (PI) units at Aguas Claras WWTP.

The PI units at Aguas Claras WWTP are fairly large (each one handles 10,000 m3 of foul air per hour). They were commissioned in January 2023, and it was time check our equipment.
The operators at the plant had nothing but praise for our technology.
Although the PI units were initially intended as a backup for the chemical scrubbers, after a few months of impressive performance and low maintenance, they were selected as the primary odour control solution.
The equipment was in pristine condition after nearly two (2) years of continual use. Nonetheless, as the UV bulbs inside each unit are manufactured to last 12000 hours, it was time to replace them. Chris returned to Medellin this week with Oliver Augustin of Neutralox. They spent the day at the plant, providing training and guidance to the operators to ensure the changeout was completed safely and efficiently. As technicians can change over time, a review of procedures was greatly appreciated as they will now easily be able to make the changeouts on their own.